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28 Productivity Hacks to Make Your Life Easier in 2024

We live in a world of continual interruptions, distractions, and notifications, making being productive seem an impossible task at times.
At the end of your workday, you may often feel that you could have achieved more.
You could have done more tasks, achieved more goals, worked out, taken an online course, or learned new skills.
The truth is, in this fast-paced environment, there is always room to improve your productivity.
Recently, productivity has become a priority for both firms and individuals, with the performance metric receiving more attention than ever before.
There is always a huge list of things to do, balancing navigating our varied roles in our personal and professional lives.
This is precisely why itโ€™s easy to get lost along the way and start procrastinating, which is an unhealthy habit.
While stopping procrastination is not impossible, itโ€™s often not easy to get on the right track and start being productive.

Fortunately, there are many productivity hacks we can incorporate into our lives to help.

What is productivity?

What is productivity

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, productivity measures economic performance.
It compares the number of goods and services produced with the number of inputs used to produce those goods and services.
In terms of economics, it is a measure of the output (goods and services) per unit of input (labor, capital, raw materials, etc.).
Productivity is a critical factor determining economic growth and competitiveness and, indicates if a company is performing efficiently.
It can be measured at any of these five levels:

  • Personal productivity

On a personal level, productivity measures how quickly and well an individual performs a task.
Personal productivity is a concept that is frequently used to indicate how much people can do in their personal lives, too, not only at work.

  • Workforce productivity

This type of productivity measures the total productivity of all individuals in a company’s workforce.
It looks at the number of goods and services that a group of workers produces in a given amount of time.

  • Sector productivity

Sector productivity measures the productivity of all enterprises in a particular industry or sector.

  • Team/department productivity

This kind of productivity refers to the combined output of one or more people working towards a common goal.

  • National/global productivity

National or global productivity looks at the overall productivity of all industries in an economy at a national or global level.

Want to discover how better interpersonal relationships in the workplace can increase your productivity? Check this out!

Why is being productive important?

Why is being productive important

Now that weโ€™ve defined productivity, itโ€™s time to see why it’s important to be productive personally and professionally.
One of the most important factors of career success and personal satisfaction is our ability to be productive.
People who continuously and steadily produce high-quality output have a higher chance of progressing in their careers and lives.
Being productive allows you to prioritize duties, effectively manage time and resources, and free up time for more enjoyable activities.
Work is a crucial component of our lives because it provides us purpose, accomplishment, and a sense of belonging in the world.
However, it might become the root of our discontent, anxiety, and stress if not done correctly.
This is why being productive is so crucial.
While we have different reasons for wanting to be productive, we all confront the same obstacles in achieving that objective.
Some of the most common hurdles to productivity are scrolling on social media, binge-watching Netflix, making sense of our inbox, and so on.

Productivity hacks to help you get more done

1. Schedule your day ahead of time

Schedule your day ahead of time

If you Google โ€œproductivity life hacksโ€, you’ll discover that they all include tips about organizing your days ahead of time.
Being productive involves knowing exactly what you’re doing, when you’re doing it and how long you’re doing it.
If you don’t have a clear schedule, chances are you’ll forget about specific critical tasks and wonder where the day went.
Making a daily routine and breaking things into 30-60 minute intervals is a fantastic hack to being productive.
This can be done the night before or early in the morning.
Start by jotting down your morning routine (shower, breakfast, exercise, etc.), and then go on to make a list of what you want to do.

2. Establish your top three tasks for each day

Now that you have planned your whole day ahead of time, it’s time to get more granular and write down your most important tasks.
You can use a pen and a notebook, phone, laptop, or notepad.
Be as specific as possible when jotting down your top three tasks.
For example, instead of saying, “I’ll create social media content,” say, “I’ll create and plan the content calendar for the whole week.”
This is a great productivity hack as we have limited resources and energy, so we should always prioritize our tasks.

3. Start your day with the most challenging task (or the easiest one)

Start your day with the most challenging task

The way you start your day determines how the rest of it goes.
There are two ways to start your working day, depending on how productive and energized you feel in the morning.
You can start with the most challenging activity to make everything else seem more manageable.
Or you can start with the most straightforward task to create momentum for the rest of the day.

4. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is a tempting habit for busy people who want to achieve as much as possible in a short period of time.
However, multitasking isn’t always a good idea and might actually cause more harm.
Research shows that the human brain can’t handle multitasking and only 2.5% of the population processes tasks simultaneously.
Multitasking can lead to losing focus, so instead, try concentrating on one task at a time. This is one of the most simple and effective productivity hacks.

5. Start each day with a short workout

Exercising is thought to boost productivity and release endorphins, sometimes known as “happy hormones.”
Start your day with a short walk or run around the block.
Don’t want to go outside? There are a lot of free workouts available on YouTube adapted to a variety of needs and abilities.

6. Set a single goal for each day

Set a single goal for each day

If you’ve been multitasking for a while, it can be hard to stop all at once.
One of the most effective productivity hacks to help you stop multitasking is to set a single goal for each day.
This way, you’ll be able to focus on individual tasks rather than doing several tasks at the same time.
You can establish your daily goals by yourself or use a tool that can do that for you.
A good example is Serene, an app that helps you organize your workflow and stay focused on the task at hand.

7. Trust your own natural rhythms

Some of us are early birds. Some of us, however, are not.
No matter how much we try and how many good productivity habits we adopt, some of us will never be our best selves in the morning.
And there is nothing wrong with that.
Listen to your body and trust your natural rhythms to best align your energy with the tasks you have to complete throughout the day.

8. Use the Pomodoro Method

Use the Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular productivity hack that involves working in short bursts and then taking small breaks.
The original time management method says to work in specific time intervals (usually 25 minutes) and then take a break (5 minutes).
A variation of this approach is to work for 52 minutes, followed by a 17 minute break.
Or you can take a longer rest after four Pomodoros in a row (around 20 or 30 minutes).
It seems that the human brain can only concentrate for a short period.
Taking 5-10 minute breaks every hour improves our ability to concentrate and increases our productivity.

9. Use the Two-Minute Rule for quick tasks

While the Pomodoro Technique is suitable for tasks that may take longer to complete, you can use another method for quick tasks.
The Two-Minute Rule is the perfect productivity hack for small tasks that inevitably pop up throughout your working day.
Consider whether you can finish these tasks in less than two minutes. If the answer is yes, go ahead and do it.
If the answer is no, add the item to your to-do list (below your top three daily tasks) and do it later.

10. Check your email at specific times

Email is still one of the most effective communication tools for organizations and teams.
However, checking your email is one of the most common distractions that steals time during your work hours.
You intended to check one thing, and 20 minutes later, youโ€™ve reorganized your inbox and read old emails.
This is why it’s essential to set a specific time to check your emails as part of your productivity cycle.
Check your emails twice a day, preferably before lunch and before completing your day’s work.
Or start the day by going through your emails and check them again at the end of your day.

11. Group similar tasks together

Group similar tasks together

A critical component of productivity is efficiency.
Regardless of your job or industry, chances are youโ€™re required to do some repetitive and simple tasks.
A good productivity hack is to group similar tasks together and try to get them done in batches.
This will streamline your work process and allow you to do more in less time.
You can also create templates for repetitive tasks that have to be completed in the same way each time.
This will help you save time and boost your overall productivity.
For example, if one of your tasks is sending emails to clients, make a template that you can quickly fill in with the relevant information each time you have to send this kind of email.

12. Make sure everything you do relates to a goal

Before beginning an activity, double-check that it is connected to a longer-term goal.
To increase your productivity, try to find a connection between the task and one of your SMART goals.
Setting SMART objectives can help us avoid procrastination and keep track of our work.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific – ensure that your goals are written clearly.
  • Measurable – ensure that any metric requirement in the goal is clearly defined and can be measured.
  • Achievable – your goals should be attainable.
  • Relevant – each goal should be worth your time and effort.
  • Time-bound – establish where the goal starts and ends and set specific dates.

13. Use the Urgent/Important Matrix for your tasks

A simple yet efficient productivity hack for your to-do list is called the Urgent Important Matrix.
According to this method, you can separate your tasks into four categories:

  • Important and urgent
  • Important and not urgent
  • Not important and urgent
  • Not important and not urgent

Important chores contribute to your immediate life and long-term objectives, while urgent tasks require immediate action or have tight deadlines.
The first category contains tasks that must be completed as soon as possible (today or tomorrow at the latest).
The second quadrant involves tasks that are significant but not urgent; therefore, they should be scheduled.
The tasks in the third category are less important than the others but are urgent, so they should still be scheduled.
The last category consists of chores that are neither important nor urgent.

14. Use website blockers

Use website blockers

According to research, after weโ€™ve been interrupted from our work, it can take 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back on track.
Interruptions can cost us up to 6 hours per day, which is a lot, considering that an ordinary working day has 8 hours.
One of the most common sources of distraction is checking social media apps like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Even getting caught up in reading too much news is a sure way to distract yourself from your daily tasks.
However, since most of our distractions happen online (where we also do most of our work), you can’t just turn off your computer if your career depends on it.
A fantastic productivity hack is using website blockers to keep you away from distractions and interruptions.
Fortunately, many tools are available on the market, such as Stayfocusd, which can be life-changing in these situations.
These tools block time-wasting websites for a set period, forcing you to focus at work by eliminating distractions.

15. Learn how to say “no”

Another excellent productivity hack for entrepreneurs is to learn when and how to say “no.”
This entails learning to refuse clients if you already have too much on your plate or don’t think your working style matches theirs.
Or learning how to refuse work in your free time, such as weekends, holidays, or days off.
We frequently feel obligated to accept every challenge or favor asked of us.
While being helpful and proactive is admirable, it’s also essential to know your priorities and not fall behind on your objectives.

16. Don’t forget to take regular breaks

While almost all productivity hacks listed in this article focus on getting your work done efficiently, it’s equally important to take regular breaks.
Breaks allow your mind to recalibrate after periods of intense concentration, but you must make the most of them.
Try to zone out or meditate during pauses to calm your mind and body.
Your first reaction might be to pay a visit to Facebook or Instagram, but this constant stream of media prevents your mind from actually resting and switching off.
To get the most out of each break, stay away from anything cognitively draining in any manner.
This is particularly pertinent to brief breaks when you have to return to work again in minutes.
Anything that divides your attention, requires decision-making or takes focus should be avoided during your breaks.

17. Create a dedicated workspace

This productivity hack is especially relevant to professionals who work from home or remotely.
It might be convenient to work from your bed or couch while still in your pajamas, but the truth is it will harm your productivity.
Try to create a dedicated workspace to help you get in a work mood and stay focused.
Arrange your home desk similarly to an office one and choose a supportive chair that wonโ€™t hurt your back.
If you canโ€™t create a suitable environment at home for whatever reason, you can opt to work in a cafe or co-working space.

18. Work near natural light

Work near natural light

Don’t forget about your lighting options when creating a dedicated working space.
A simple but effective productivity hack is to work near natural light.
Exposure to sunlight improves sleep, thereby contributing to your overall well-being and productivity.
So, if possible, sit near a window (an open one would be ideal).
As a result, you’ll enjoy more productivity and better sleep.

19. Eliminate distractions

Whether you’re a heavy procrastinator or not, it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus on the things you were supposed to do.
This is why it’s crucial to identify your distractions and then eliminate them as much as possible.
For example, if you know that your phone is tempting you to check social media, put it away during your work time.
Receiving notifications is another common issue, so put your phone on mute or use a message block app during work sessions.
You can also use statuses on tools like Slack, so your colleagues know you’re busy.

20. Listen to high focus music

Another life hack you can adopt to increase productivity is to listen to productive music or sounds.
Music can be extremely therapeutic, keeping you productive by enabling you to focus on the task at hand.
However, we all react differently to music, so spend some time finding music that helps you get in the right frame of mind.
Focus At Will is a tool that uses scientifically driven music to improve concentration.

22. Know when to work alone

Know when to work alone

Working collaboratively is frequently mentioned in discussions about productivity.
However, working together does not automatically imply that we get more done.
There are instances when collaboration isn’t always beneficial to productivity, and working alone is better for the task at hand.
The key is recognizing when collaboration is preferable within a team, and when it’s more suitable to work independently.
Some professionals are more productive when working alone than others, so it’s important to know when it’s better to work by yourself.

22. Make self-care a priority

One of the best productivity hacks is to allow yourself enough time to recharge before becoming exhausted.
You should pay the same attention to yourself as you do to your tasks and objectives, so don’t forget to include self-care in your routine.
This will keep you from becoming overwhelmed by work (or life in general) and will allow you to keep performing at your best.
Make it your goal to arrive at work each day wholly refreshed from the previous day and ready to meet any challenges that come along the way.

23. Stick to deadlines


Regardless of how many productivity hacks from this article you implement in your daily routine, don’t forget to follow your deadlines.
This principle is called the Parkinson’s Law, and it entails ensuring you always finish your tasks on time, no matter how long they take.
If you know a deadline is approaching, your productivity will increase.

24. Use a scheduling tool for meetings

If you work in a digital environment, planning meetings and group work sessions can be a struggle and affect your productivity.
The good news is that there are a lot of tools that can help you automate your email correspondence.

25. Choose a collaboration tool

Whether you work in small or big teams, choosing the right collaboration tool can be an incredible productivity hack. Enabling you to communicate more efficiently with your colleagues and collaborate on shared tasks and projects.
There are a lot of collaboration tools on the market specifically designed for any need a remote team might have.
For example, Slack is a team communication tool that turns instant messaging into a simple productivity tool.
Another good example is Google Drive for essential document sharing and collaboration.

26. Clear your mind after work

Clear your mind after work

This productivity hack is probably one of the hardest to adopt for professionals working remotely or from home.
According to Buffer’s 2019 State of Remote Work report, unplugging after work is the most common struggle for remote workers.
However, separating your personal life from your work life is extremely important if you want to become more productive.
People can’t work or keep their focus 24 hours per day. Clearing your mind after work and doing things for yourself in your spare time is essential.

27. Let go of perfectionism

It’s in our nature to want to be the best at everything we do, but the truth is, nothing you accomplish will ever be perfect.
Try not to waste time attempting to perfect every tiny aspect of your job.
In order to move on to the next thing, you sometimes have to trust your abilities and leave good enough alone.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you need to do a mediocre job, but once you feel that you’ve done an excellent job, you can move on to your next task.

28. Choose a system that works for you

You can have access to all the productivity hacks in the world, but without a system, nothing gets done.
That doesn’t mean you need to accumulate a vast collection of apps, trackers, tools, and planners.
It means that you craft a method of organizing your life tasks to achieve your objectives. Ultimately, it all comes down to finding the best strategy and systems for your working style.

Tools that can boost productivity

Tools that can boost productivity

While some people may achieve productivity by implementing these hacks in their routine, others may need a tool to help.
Apart from the many productivity hacks available, technology can also be your ally in getting things done quickly and efficiently.
The first thing you’ll need is a good project/task management platform. Luckily there are lots of them to choose from.
There are numerous productivity applications and solutions available to assist you in getting work done while staying focused. Here are some of the most effective:


Brosix is an instant messaging platform specifically designed to increase team communication and efficiency.
Specifically built for team communication, Brosix helps you optimize work processes and increase team productivity with a 60 second set-up.
Brosix is created with the modern workplace in mind and has various chat options for screen-sharing and unrestricted file transfers.
As a result, it’s an ideal choice for businesses trying to boost productivity.
The tool has a set of unique features designed to improve team cooperation and communication, such as:

  • Administration
  • Control
  • Real-time communication
  • Collaboration
  • Productivity
  • Security
Scale up your productivity now!


Trello is a fun and interactive project planning and management tool that allows you to arrange your work and tasks into visual boards.
This app is a good choice if you have a lot of to-dos to get through quickly.
You can then add tasks or cards to these projects, set deadlines, add descriptions, attach assets, create checklists, label them, and delegate work to other team members.
Organize your workflow by dragging and dropping task cards around.
Its user-friendly layout sets it apart from other project management solutions, making it simple to get up and running quickly.


We already mentioned how important it is to create a list of the most important tasks.
Todoist is the perfect app to achieve this. The to-do app is a must-have for your productivity toolbox.
You can create daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and schedule and plan your day ahead of time.
You can also add a deadline, arrange the job into a project, and collaborate on it.
If you work in a group, you can delegate a job to a coworker while setting a priority level so you know what’s most urgent and what can wait.

The number of programs and tools we end up utilizing in the first place is the primary productivity blocker.
Shuffling between all the apps we use to do our tasks impacts our productivity and prevents us from getting work done.
This is where comes to the rescue.
It is a document management and collaboration platform that enables teams to communicate, share, track, and manage all company documents from a single location.


Organizing your emails and checking them at specific times is a crucial productivity hack if you want to be more efficient.
Calendly is a reliable calendar app that can make a real difference to your productivity.
You can schedule and add your availability preferences with this app and share them with your coworkers.
Calendly makes it very simple to schedule meetings by eliminating the tedious email back and forth to find a convenient time.


Productivity can help you overcome both personal and professional obstacles.
The first step towards productivity is becoming aware of your distractions and understanding what specifically is hindering you.
If you want to become more productive, you have to be willing to change how you complete your tasks and organize your day.
This article gives you all the necessary productivity hacks to be able to reach your goals.
We’ve covered a variety of productivity tools in this post, but the main focus is on developing productive habits.
Start by scheduling your tasks and organizing your day. Try to create a clutter-free work environment and eliminate distractions.

Use productivity hacks such as the Pomodoro Method or the Urgent/Important Matrix to help you keep your mind focused on one job and avoid the traps of multitasking.

You can do it!

Nikola Baldikov

Nikola Baldikov is a Head of Marketing at Brosix, specializing in SaaS marketing, SEO, and outreach strategies. Besides his passion for digital marketing, he is an avid football fan and loves to dance. Connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter at @baldikovn.

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